Register/book a sitter

To either register or book a one off sitter with us….

Please complete the form below and submit. 

    Office hours are Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm (closed Bank Holidays)
    Special nights of the year i.e. Valentines night, New Years Eve etc may have higher booking fees and hourly rates for sitters. You will be advised of this on receipt of your booking.

    Parent One

    First Name (required)

    Last Name (required)

    Mobile (required)

    Email (required)

    Parent Two (if applicable)

    First Name

    Last Name


    Address (required)

    Postcode (required)

    Home phone number

    Children's Names and Dates of Birth (required)

    Any special requirements? Including medical conditions that the sitter would need to be aware of

    Pets? For allergy reasons

    Any booking/s you wish to make please note here when joining. Please ensure you give date, start time and approx finish time. Thanks

    How did you hear about the agency?

    Initial payment will be taken via credit/debit card or PayPal through PayPals secure site. You will be directed to this when you press submit.
    How do you wish to make future booking fees?

    Bank TransferPaypal (Paypal, credit or debit card)Direct DebitOne off booking - not registering